
YMCA BC Board of Directors

Greg D’Avignon (Chair)
Jeanine Ball
Aimee Chung
Mary Anne Davidson (Past Chair)
Patrick Davis
Karl deBruijn
Keivan Hirji (Vice Chair)
Gavin Hume, K.C.
James Mandigo
Melinda McKie
Jeanette McPhee
Lynn Pelletier (Vice Chair)
Andre Powell
Sagar Saxena
Megan Stowe
Cathy Ulrich

YMCA BC Foundation Board of Directors

Melinda McKie (Chair)
Jane Adams
Katerina Anastasiadis
Rikki Beaudet
Joanne Bonderud
Bob Chan-Kent (Vice Chair)
Gavin Hume, K.C.
Ameet Johal
Dallas Leung
Stephanie Nesbitt
Farzin Remtulla (Vice Chair)
Grant Stockwell
Raphael Tachie

YMCA BC Properties Foundation Board of Directors

Brian Hurl (Chair)
Virginia Bird
Elisa Campbell
Bob Chan-Kent
Gavin Hume, K.C.
Marc Josephson
Jaraad Marani
Bruce McQuaid
Finlay Sinclair (Vice Chair)

Imagine Canada Accredited

YMCA BC is proud to be a charity of excellence, deemed by Imagine Canada Accreditation. Members, staff, volunteers, and donors can trust the work of our Association. Imagine Canada Accreditation awards charities with accreditation who meet their standards and demonstrate excellence in five key areas of operations: Board Governance, Financial Accountability and Transparency, Fundraising, Staff Management and Volunteer Involvement. To learn more about Imagine Canada and Accreditation, please visit their website.

We are proud to be an Imagine Canada accredited charity. As an accredited charity, our organization demonstrates excellence and leadership in governance, financial accountability, and transparency, fundraising, staff management, and volunteer involvement. You can be assured that YMCA BC has met the highest standards for charities as designated by Imagine Canada.

Charitable Registration Number 119307197-RR0001
